Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life is like a Classroom...

Knowing that it's abit unrealistic...and somehow wasting time doing Facebook tests, but some tests do make you think of something.....just like this one:
What metaphor would you choose to describe life...:

~A Mountain Climb - Life consists of hierarchies.

~A Classroom - There are always new lessons to learn

~A Battery - Every encounter seems to drain energy

~A Roller Coaster - Life consists of ups and downs

~A Courtroom - Everything in life should be fair

~A Prison - Feeling like we don't have choices, like others have all the power

~A Race - always finding the fastest route

~A Train - We get on. We get off. We get on again.

~A Stained-glass window - full of light and colors

~A Building - Starting with a solid foundation, then adding floors and rooms

~A Mission - We believe that we have the truth and we need to convince others that our point-
of-view is right

~Stepping Stones - We barely get comfortable where we are before we are looking for better job or a bigger house.


Hmmm....It sounds familiar, where I discussed this with Chyi Chern who visited me in Liverpool few days ago...Some of us live for dreams...Some of us live for branded and luxurious stuff...Some of us live for helping the others....(and wth some of us might live for EXAMS lol)
What's the purpose of life? I'm doubt on it...perhaps one day whoever finds it could make the world better....
I haven't find my customised Metaphor yet. All I know is to try my best not to dissappoint my parents, and then to be independent enough physically, financially and emotionally before I realised my very own ideal life.
And the phrase Life is like a Classroom
reminds me on every single minute and efforts spent on "R&D" (Not gonna interprete it further....keep quiet and laugh yourself if you know what i mean my dear Sistas : P)

But at the moment, LIFE IS EXAMS! As I will be away for Edinburgh this weekend and Lake District next weekend + I'm pretty hungry now, I'm gonna start slowly digesting the stack of texts now...


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