As per requested by my junior, here are some tips for those who are going to TARC-Liverpool John Moores University Summer Programme.
This is an opinion-based article and thus please read at your own risk. You are welcome to forward the article LINK but hopefully please don't copy and paste or reproduce this article by any means on any websites or forums or emails without permission. (cz I definintely agree what Janette says, it involves efforts and time to write all these....) Another thing is, specific information regarding the course and the study life that i mentioned here might Not apply to students from other courses as I was a Commerce student for Liverpool John Moores University Summer Programme 2009.
The most important and basic things you need in order to go for LJMU Summer Programme are:
1. Passport
~Make sure that it is not expiring on or less than 6 months from your travelling period.
2. LJMU Offer Letter
~Will be issued by LJMU through TARC after you have passed your final semester papers.
3. Two (2) Bank Drafts
~ 1 for paying LJMU School fees and accomodation fees in full amount, and another one for your living expenses (to be banked in into Lvp's Bank and thus you can withdraw money out then) *Both bank drafts must be in GBP (Great Britain Pounds). Typically LJMU will advise students to bring around 600GBP to 900GBP for living expenses. Personally, I would suggest, if you are planning to go for trips, bring more money. The reason is (even if you claim or you are a truely NON big-spender) if you just bring so called "ngam ngam" amount for your budgeted expenses, you might have to PAY MORE for bank charges on TeleTransfer (TT), ranging from 6GBP to 12 GBP or more, which is not worth (If I tell you gals, you CAN actually buy like 3 pairs of shoes or more than 180 pieces of chicken ham for 6GBP, or a very nice dress or even gaun at Topshop's sale with 12GBP!) : P Thus, if it is not a big problem, bring more money. It is for "just-in-case" and you can just cash out and take back to Msia if you don't feel like using it!
4. Cash (Pound notes)
~You WILL need cash when you step into UK cz your bank account will only be set up in (the fastest) few days and some take weeks or even month-_-depends on the efficiency of Barclays Bank. Pound notes like 5 Pounds and 10 Pounds are good enough (cz the shopkeeper tend to scan here and there when we use 20 Pound notes to buy you are using fake money some sort...). Keep the "sylling-syilling" cz you will definintely need them every now and then as their groceries' prices are abit awkward (compared to Msia's) like 28 pence (0.28 Pound)...67 pence...etc
5. Return Flight Ticket
~You can either book the flight ticket with the travel agents coming to TARC OR if you are good and independent enough, research and book your own flight as you might get a cheaper rate. You need to book a Return ticket (dated or open dated within a specified time frame) unless you wish to continue studying Master there and you plan to do visa. If you are just there for the Degree, you won't need a visa as the offer letter serve as the student visitor pass which allows you to stay in UK for 6 months (if the UK Visa rule hasn't change)
If you choose to book your own ticket without following travel agent, there are many airlines available as long as you manage to reach either London or Manchester or any other city in UK by flight and you can take National Express Coach to Liverpool. I mght be hard to persuade you to book your flights on your own cz it was same for me as my main concern was: How am I going to reach LJMU's hostel with my big luggage in a totally new land? But in fact, if you do manage to get cheap flights to London (RM800 by Airasia last time?) and take National Express Coach to Liverpool, the signage in UK is actually very clear and I'm sure you can reach your accomodation (with some preparations like getting the on your own in a cheaper way~The only concern is, because we manage to get additional luggage allowance (ie. 30kg in total with our offer letter) when we book the ticket from travel agent, I'm not sure whether budget airlines allow such luggage allowance if you book yourself without going through travel agent.
As for my case, I had my MAICSA exams from 2 June til 5 June and my flight was on 6 June, I have no much choice but to book a seat from the travel agent (Limited airlines which offer flights for students like us who fly in June). But according to my own experience, I wouldn't suggest you to book flight ticket from the travel agent named S%A! (Bad services, tardiness in responding eventhough we have contacted them to check our flight status after paying the full amount, and many of my friends get scolded for no reasons, and they reluctant to service us when some of my friends wana change the return date some sort and worst thing they blame customer like us who wanted to change date how ridiculous!).
I would think that it is more meaningful to share our real experience there rather than doing an exhaustive list here.
Generally, I would suggest that you to bring as LESSER things as possible!
If you are a shopaholic, bring cloths which are sufficient for you to survive 1 week will do! Just bring normal cloths that you wear in Msia and some sweater (not so thick like you are goin to Harbin or some sorta winter country..NO NEED to bring very thick cloths!). As you can see from our pix, we just wear normal cloths, and the thickest cloths of mine was the blue sweater with a thin layer of cotton wool in it which costs me RM25 from Sg. Wang (Yeah! It's the sweater where you can see many of those La-la mui and shopkeepers wear in Sg. Wang and TimeSquare KL). The reason is you can always wear layers, and another more practical reason is, you can always buy a nice and cheaper one (compared to Msia) in Lvp!!! For gals, we used to wear colourful leggings in Lvp and thus don't bring too many thick long pants. For skarf, there are plenty of varities of skarfs sold in Lvp and thus, don't buy thick thick and expensive skarfs from Msia and bring it over cz it does add on weigh to your luggage, eat up your space and it has not reach the extent that you have to cover yourself like a dumpling during summer in Lvp (Im regretting buying a RM50 knit skarf from Msia cz i didn't need it at all!). But somehow, the wind is strong and thus do get an average skarf to cover yourself (as the weather is unpredictable nowadays). FYI, skarfs sold in Lvp cost only like 1 Pound?or 2 Pound each?and some of my friend get it at 0.50 Pound each (less than RM3!)~
.The bad thing of bringing too many cloths is, you might have to limit yourself from shopping, or you will have to spend money to ship back your things (around 34GBP for 40kg per box, takes 1-3 months to ship from UK to Msia), or you will have to throw some of your things in the airport, and if you are reluctant to do so, you still can carry all your old and new stuff with additional luggage charges (check for your airline!It can be a big sum and even more expensive than those things which you have bought / things which you are prepare to throw away)
.Where do we shop for cloths in Lvp?
.Primark (the most famous affordable shop)
Liverpool One area (numerous nice and trendy shops...Sports Direct...JD Sports....Newlook...)
Debenhams (more high end stuff)
Clayton Square area
Bold Street
etc etc........You won't need me to tell where are the locations....just take a map and make yourself lost in Lvp city : P......or just observe the pple holding brown paper bag of Primark and follow their directions haha)
.***Surprisingly, you have 28days return policy in UK, meaning you have the right to return ur goods and get a full refund of what you have bought but not liking it anymore (with receipt and price tag and in good condition). And you can always ask for the hangers when you buy cloths from certain shops and thus you won't need to bring many. Another surprising thing is, they have this "Reduced Price" policy where you only need to pay like 5 GBP for a cloth that you like after waiting for a few weeks later whereby the cloths might be originally sold at 15GBP!! I would say, enjoy the madness of shopping in UK : P (How nice where you actually passed by the shopping areas whenever you finish classes~)
.I brought a nice pair of gloves and they are pretty useful. I did walk ALOT (average 2 hours per day inclusive of to and fro to school and lepaking in town for buying groceries) and no worries cz the sports shoes there are cheap~How cheap? You can easily get a Converse-like (of course not the real Converse laa) sports shoes for 2 or 3 GBP per pair!
.And Msian gals like us are so "tiny" compared to Ang Mos and thus we enjoy the advantage of buying children's clothing (cheaper than adult clothing)....and those Ang Mos will stare at you like "Unbelievable!" hahah~I bought a formal blazer for 4GBP (less than RM24) for my office wear whereby it is actually part of the uniform for 5 y/o KIDS lol!
.p/s: And because it is summer, the bikinis are so dirt cheap!!! I waited until the end of the season and bought top+down for 3GBP! p/s:~but one thing is, if you are planning to buy lingeries there, I think their bras are not so suitable for us can always explore : P
Gals: Sanitary pads are not very cheap there so bring your own.
#My room#
more of my room in Lvp
You will be provided with 1 bedsheet+ 1 blanket with quilt cover + 1 pillow and bedsheets can be washed every week by the management for free so you don't need to bring your own. One thing is you won't get back your same bedset so if you would like to wash your bedset on your own, hang them up like mine in the pix (cz i have experimented and gantung them with ropes and connect here and ther with tables and chairs........gantung them on the cupboard is the BEST way i found!...of course don't forget to on your heater). The uni and the accomodation management would disallow you to do your laundry in ur en-suite room (ie. you have your own bathroom in ur room). But we curi-curi wash our cloths in our own bathroom cz wahing machine cost 2 Pounds per use and dryer for 1 pound per use. For cost saving, just MAKE SURE you don't use excessive water until your toilet door is spoilt or else you will have to pay penalties!
Vacuum cleaner is available at each flat. Kettle and Iron are available on request~
Power points are many in our room so NO NEED to bring Extension plugs.
Shampoos and personal cleaning stuff are very affordable there...just bring it or buy it there.
#1 of our dinner meal in Lvp#You will be provided with 1 big plate + 1 small plate + 1 soup bowl + 1 cup + a pair of fork and spoon and 1 buter knife.
Food and meals in Lvp is not THAT expensive as we imagined if you cook yourself. As for my case, 10 of us share our dinner meals daily from Mon-Fri, and cook our own for our daily breakfast and lunch and weekends. We have our duty roster where 10 of us split into 3 groups and thus we only need to cook 2 days in a week (including deciding meals, buying food and cook). And the group which is not cooking on that day will do the washing stuff. Sharing meals have HUGE benefits:
1.Save costs! ~Economies of scale~our daily dinner consist of average Rice + 1 Vege + 1 meat costs only for LESS than 50 pence per meal (ie. LESS than RM3!)!We share our cooking utensils such as pots, pans, chopping board, rice, ingredients like cooking oil etc....
2.Save time and energy! ~Imagine you only need to cook one or two times per week and the rest of the dinner you just have to relax and utilise your time for your assignments / laundry / or even SHOPPING!
(Owhhh I missed the time we use our room's phone to intercom "SEK FAN LAH~": P)
*TIPS: Don't buy pots and pans that are too cheap (eg. 99pence) cz they may get rusty VERY soon and you will need to buy another 1 or 2 or even more! Invest in a more quality one if you are sharing among your friends.
Things that are suggested to bring (please observe UK Custom restrictions on your own):
1. Rice (for your own consumption)~I brought 2kg for my own meal.
2. Maggi noodles ~if you can't live without these, or would like to bring as backup (emergency or sometimes you feel to troublesome or lazy to cook during exam) FYI, 1 packet (1 meal) of Maggi sold in Lvp cost around 0.25P (ie. around RM1.50) during my time.
3.Cooking paste~bring those tomyum paste...bak kut teh packet etc cz they are very useful for meals (also available at Chinatown but of course more pricey).
4.Food tupperwares / water bottle~you will difinitely need it cz the uni cafe is NOT opened during summer nor there is a canteen (and there is no MAMAK and no where to eat at your convenience like in Msia). Everybody tapao own lunch box to school including males!
5. Sos Cili~if you cannot live without it (cz it's expensive and hardly available, and many of the fastfood rest. don't have it also.....have to PAY for getting tomato sauce in some of the fast food rest.)
6. 3 in 1 oats etc ~I brought some there since my luggage still have space. Chocolate drink and all sorta drinks available there too...affordable........but i drink milk most of my time.
7. EcoBag (环保袋)~Some stores do not provide plastic bags and i presume more stores now do not provide it due to environmental issue. Bring at least 1 big size EcoBag cz you will definitely find it useful when you shop for your grocery (you will need to WALK for AT LEAST 20 minutes without trolly and it is very convenient to chuck all your heavy stuff into one big EcoBag without worrying that your plastic bags are torn or broken etc..How heavy it is?Typically I carry 2kg at least whenever I shop for the fridge is not very big for 6 pax sharing)...and say thanks to the EcoBag when you will at least have 1 hand to hold ur umbrella : P
Things that are NOT advisable to bring:
1.Spaghetti / Pastas (plenty over there! and much more cheaper!)
2. Biscuits (plenty over there and much more nicer and cheaper!)
3.Dishmate / Soap powder for cloths (buy there and share with your housemates~not expensive)
1 Pound for this pizza~1 meal for big eater like me : P#
FYI, here are some price list that you can roughly expect for some of the usual goodies that I have spent in Lvp:
1. Milk: 2.7 litres for 1Pound-1.25Pound @ Iceland
2. Cheese: 10 pieces for 50 pence @ Tesco
3. Chicken ham: 30 pieces for 94 pence @ Tesco
4. Chicken sausages: 10 for 99 pence @ Tesco
5. Celery vege: 1 whole bunch consist of around 12 sticks for 78 pence @ Tesco
6. Luncheon meat: 1 small box sufficient for at least 3 average meals per pax for 99 pence @ 99p
7.Rice: 1kg for 78pence @ Tesco Superstore
8. Chicken / Fish chop: 4 average pieces for 2 Pounds @ Iceland
9. Ice-cream:1 whole box of 1 kg for 1 Pound @ Iceland
10. Eggs: 15 for 1.25 Pounds @ Tesco..Iceland..
TIPS: Tescos in Lvp available at different places and they might sell the same goods but of different prices at different places (Usually, the more convenient the shop is, the more expensive the goods are)...The 2 most common Tesco we used to shop are Tesco Metro near Clayton Square and Tesco Superstore near Liverpool One (more cheaper)
These are the shops that I usually buy specific things (among the cheapest) for your reference:
1.Pail / cooking utensils: Wilkinson (near St John square)
2.Biscuits: Tesco / 99p / Homebargain
3. Cereals / bread / breadspread / vegetables / ham / sausages: Tesco
4.Luncheon meat:99p
5.Rice: Tesco Superstore (must grab it fast cz it's a HOT item for summer student) / 99p
6.Fruits: Exotic @ Bold Street / any fruit stalls
7. Microwave stuff (nuggets / chops): Iceland
#Tesco's self check-out machine#
#Reduced price applies to food too! Notice the cost savings?#Reduced price items are available EVERYDAY after 8.30pm or around 9pm @ Tesco....We used to organise "trip" to Tesco Superstore to look for dirt cheap food...Reduced price items mean those food are expiring soon or expiring on that particular day, but according to our experience, expiring food in UK are still consumable as long as you don't keep very long (ie consume on the day of expiring or the next days)...if you would like to "prolong" the expiry date of the Expired food you may also try to keep the expired food into freezer and microwave it before you consume. (at your own risk haha)...I always dislike overnite food and thus I almost cook every meal other than the shared meal even if it is during exam period.
#Try to have a healthy lifestyle in Lvp hahaha#
#one of my own-cooked meal....need more ideas?#
If you are worry that you didn't know how to cook..just like me, will be able to cook like me, at least simple meals if you see cooking as having fun and love to trial and error : P
Instant noodles are all available at Chinatown, but pricey.....Those are my backup meals for Europe trip....TIPS: We hardly find fresh fish in Lvp to our surprise! Hardly found in Tesco and couldn't see wet markets like pasar in Msia. Thus, we seldom eat fish during the 3 months in Lvp, and the place we used to eat fish was Lobster Pot Fish n Chips. Pork are minced pork sold available at Tesco and pricey too. Thus, BE PREPEARED to EAT CHICKEN EVERYDAY LOLzzz. Chicken drumsticks in average cost 1.5Pounds to 1.8 Pounds for 6 to 8 drumsticks depending on the size and weight at Tesco. .TIPS: Beware of reduced price fruits cz some reduced price strawberry (1 big box for only 50 pence which originally sold at above 1 Pound per box) cz they might get rotten soon and some of the strawberries are "cacat looking" until i dare not buy them at all~
TIPS: No Tauhus...bitter gout...lady fingers...bananas generally available. Tauhus and fishballs are available at Chinatown but then so damn expensive and not fresh looking.
.TIPS: If you desperately looking for ala-chinese food, look for Chinese buffet restaurant...each person cost bout 6 Pounds (normal dishes like fried meehoon...fried rice...typical chinese catering food in Msia...but seems special to those ang mohs)...We tried it once. You can also go to casinos (we went Leo Casino near Albert Dock) for chinese meals. Or do your own steamboat at home. Or even do your own barbeque around the corner of your accomodation ~
#It is VERY windy in Lvp...see our hair~#
For schooling, we used to walk to school with our notes, lunch box, umbrellas and sweater, a good backpack will be good to pack all your things. And you might go to shop for groceries after school so keep your EcoBag in ur bag.
Depending on the distance of your accomodation to your faculty lecture hall, we need to walk (the fastest) 30 minutes to our lecture hall at John Foster Building from our accomodation at Atlantic Point. You will see differerent buildings of LJMU in Liverpool at different places and different faculties have different study place. Our lectures (Commerce) usually started at 10am and we need to be prepared by 8.45am and started to walk at 9am so that we can arrive at 9.30am, and go for toilet / rest / queue to secure a FRONT seat (as our lecturers DID NOT use MICS!) you missed the road on the way to school?#
We don't have a Campus like TARC here in KL. Our uni at John Foster Building is just a old victorian style building..
Teaching style depending on lecturers and subjects...some are typical lecturing (monotonous)..some are creative with videos...websites some with Scottish pace until you cannot catch up and jot down the points XD ! So, brush up your English and don't expect to jot down every single words.....
.#new kind of text book~photo text book#Notes are provided in bound books or leaflets per chapter in powerpoints...I brought 1/4 rim of test pad there just in case to jot down notes but Im regretted for bringing SO MUCH! Hence, DON't BRING MUCH PAPERS cz you only need like bout one or 2 pieces each tutorials.
TIPS: During our time one of the library is under refurbishment and thus we have limited access to reference books (limited to the extent that only few books for 150+ of us!). So what we did is, snap photos for each pages of the chapters you need and don't be selfish to circulate to your friends.
TIPS: To avoid dissappointment for not being able to borrow the recommended book from the library, BEFORE the commencement of the Next subject, please borrow the book in advance and RENEW them frequently (of course, share it among ur friends during the renewed period). You have to secure your book by ONLINE REQUEST via the intranet. Alternatively, when your lecturer mention any books DURING the LEctures(which usually all of your coursemates will run down the library to grab it after class) , faster go to the IT room to do online request during your breaktime... OR ANOTHER FASTER Way: Use your internet-accessible handphone to login to the intranet and book in the lecture (while the class is still on, since u couldnt get out from the class)...this is what I have done in the past once you have requested the book (to be collected in a specified timeframe), no point for the others to rush to the library liao XD
#surroundings of John Foster Building#
#Lecture Hall#

.........#Collecting text books before class started#
..........#Tutorial Class: You will need to do some lil presentation#But we DON't NEED to do any Formal presentation during my time. (Confirm with your current JMU staff)

.............#Gals...remembered what we have done in the toilets??:P#
..........#Resting area in John Foster Building...very limited space#
.........#Lunch time: we bring our own food....similarly limited place.#
So you have to be fast or you have to go outside of the building and eat your lunch shivering in cold sometimes : P
#We enjoy ourselves in the moot room despite knowing that CCTV is watching us : P#

.#Beer Game during International Operations Management subject#
Basically for our course, we need have assignments due EVERY WEEK and we have Final exams for every subject EVERY TWO WEEKS. Thus, we are Damn BUSY! Not to mention that you have to cook and do your laundry on your own...and you spent time when you walk...You really have to utilise your time if you wana get good results. And good results in TARC doesn't mean you can get good result in JMU (TARC's marks did contribute 50% of your degree marks). Somehow based on my very own experience, you need to go extra miles doing extra research and apply them in your exams in order to score. Spend sometime to understand and visualise the things being learnt in lectures. And God Bless You if you merely regurgitating the text in exams cz you might be at the borderline to pass or fail. (You won't wana fail your paper after paying so much money for the course rite?)
As for my case, my assignments are all printed at the school library using our ID card as some sorta Touch n Go card (with money prepaid). So generally you won't need to bring A4 papers that much as well as printers. And our lecturers just required us to staple our assignments, which means no need comb-binding. This is for my year and I'm not sure whether it is still the same for 2010.
If you think you face difficulties in coping, write emails to your lecturers so that they can improve.We have paid so much so we deserve the right to give Constructive Suggestion rite?
Typical one day schooling life of mine in Lvp:
6:30am Good morning and prepare breakfast + lunch
7:15am Eat breakfast and finish cooking my lunch (do buffer some time for sharing of kitchen utensils)
8:00am Bath
8.45am Gather at the main gate of Atlantic Point and Prepared to walk~
9:00am Walk to school
9:30am Arrived at school. No one feels wana talk cz everyone was tired : P
10:00am Class started
12:oopm Class ended
12:00-4:00pm depending on your tutorial time slot
4:00pm Go shop for
5:00pm Reach home
5:15pm Prepare to cook dinner (if im on duty)
6.45pm Call for dinner...makan...chit TV...gossips...
7.30pm Finish dinner
Discussion for assignments / go casinos / go shop for reduced price food /
10:00pm Back to room
11:00pm Done laundry and bath
11:15pm Do bla bla...
12:00am Sleep
Weekends in Lvp
We usually do our laundry...Skype with our families...go for short trips in UK...or walk around Lvp....Explore ~~of course you will be struggling when there are special events outside over the weekend and you are having exam at the same time.
DON'T keep studying and reading in your room during weekends but rather give yourself some time to explore Liverpool or even other places in UK. Our 1st task after getting the timetable was marking down the exam date and Next HOLIDAYS! Because you have limited time in UK and you have fly so far away, you gotta fully utilise your time to travel around too! We have been organising our own road trips to Manchester, Blackpool, West Kirby, Cheshire Oak etc...
There will be several trips organised by JMU. Edinburgh, Scotland is NICE and I think you should sign up for it. I went to York and Lake District, and Chester and Conwy Castle for foc complimented by the uni. If you think 3 Days 2 Nites to Edinburgh is expensive (our time is 80Pounds), think about spending few hundreds ringgit for holidays in Msia...I would think Edinburgh is nice and worth~
TIPS:I used to travel with National Express Coach to other places in UK and you will get ticket as cheap as 1 Pound if you book early to your desired destination. Basically I just do some basic research on the attractions then i will just go with my mates who are interested to join. Budget is only the transport cz we don't usually spend on other items as we bring our own food. No worries cz the signages in UK are quite well. Look for TOURIST CENTRE for a MAP, or go look for notice board with MAPS and SNAP THEM with your cameras so that you can have a map ..zoom in our out whenever you want (thus you might wana invest in a good camera). Check the weather of your destination as well before you depart cz it is really cold when raining esp you have no where to shelter.
TIPS: If you are considering joining Europe trips after your study, beware of choosing the proper travel agent (Some are just individual with NO COMPANY registered). I joined Tong Hang's trip and Im quite satisfied with it cz I have researched on my own that going backpack can actually costs MORE than joining tour for the EXACT ITINEARY that I have chosen. You can always view the pix of mine cz it is definitely not those type which is "go down...snap snap snap...then proceed to other places in a rush"..(FYI, I m NOT paid by TH to advertise for them, just a sharing of my own experience).
However, if you are going to backpack, here are some of my findings in case it is helpful for you:
1.NOT all Budget Airlines are BUDGETED cz they incurr many hidden costs such as luggage charges.
2. If you are travelling alone or in a few, and planning to book cheap budget hostels, please be reminded that the budget rooms are usually SHARED among strangers (and some are gender-mixed dorm)and thus please be alert of your own belongings.
3. Do forsee that you might face problems like BROKEN LUGGAGE / LUGGAGE WHEEL which means you will have to carry 30kgs without a wheel on your own (if you are travelling alone)...and budget accomodations usually DO NOT have lefts/elevators...which means you need to carry the 30kgs up the stairs on your own, carry your 30kg across the road etc.....and no one is available to jaga your bags when you are away for a while........I knew this well bcz I experienced it although im not travelling alone..
Other things to bring: marker pen (to mark down your food etc)...some adapter (if you are travelling to europe)...plastic bags...what else???hoh couldnt remember...
Each of us are given a simpack with a sim card and ready-to-use phone number so no worries for phoneline. Of course, you can always change it. I only top up 10 Pounds for once and that's it, I used only 10 Pounds for my phone bills throughout the 3 mths!
Know your accomodation address cz you need it to fill in your embarkation card in order to enter UK. (how ridiculous if the custom and immigration officer ask you where are you going but you don't know how to answer...)
Do always keep an eye on your money and Passport!
Don't think that all Ang Mohs are civilised! (cz we do encounter Perverts as small as a 8 or 10 y/o kids, and even teenagers snatch theft!) Beware of the drunken pple no matter it is on daytime or at night...gals who walk in few esp during after working hours, please look around and there might be some suspicious fella following you. If you go clubbing, please be careful and don't "rugi" anything....the locals are expert in this area :x.
Please beware that price-quality TRADEOFF always applies and thus don't buy too many cheap stuff at once! Try it out 1st before you decided to buy more.
I think that's all...should you need any further information, you can read my previous posts labelled LJMU and Life in England....or visit my friends blog from my links on the right. Any question just leave comments or email me : ) All the best!
one word.. Geng!
im sure our juniors will love you very much for this post, hahaha...
oh, and faster send me my cheque, for being a model in one of your photos unwittingly.. muahahaha :P
lolz su yen...Thx...
Frankly i almost muntah darah after finish the post X P
hopefully it is really helpful for them...
and bout your cheque....i will make sure I produce a near real one with my professional drawing a.k.a. faking skill XD
hahaha yea! ur juniors will love u for this post! XD i'm one of them.. haha and i've forwarded the link to my other friends to read. ^.^
Hello Junior (s),
Thanks for viewing~
Feel free to read and ask any question. I will try to answer as far as I can haha.
All the best!
Huhu thanks! oh yea. i wanna double confirm.. u mean when u all go there, plates, bowls, fork and spoon will be provided for us?
Yes. For my year all those things were provided. I guess no change for this yr ba.
hi,i love ur blog very very much..u really did a great job in providing info for all d juniors.. im goin to ljmu in this june actually..
i would like to ask whether we need to bring text book to i heard there are just a handful of text book in the library..n students will need to grab them asap//tat's scary..
can i ask u for a favour? do u still keep the notes from LJMU? i hope to borrow from u, if u dont mind >.<..
Hi phei yin..sorry4 late cz im currently in spore n couldn't on9,so as for ljmu notes,sorry la couldn't help.No need2 bring any txt book la,wont hv time 2read n not worth to bring.Just fully utilise internet n library will do,cz some uni main txt r available in soft copy in d intranet: )
Hey there,
My friend and i found ur blog really interesting and useful.
By the way, i would like to ask you a few questions regarding the transportation to LJMU.
Do u mind sending me an email?
Do appreciate your help :)
hi junior
do drop me email:
Kind regards,
Xiao chien
Hi, I'm one of ur junior too ^^ will be going next year.. I have one question >.< there will be classes in March right? Do you still remember which week is it? cuz my friend gotta plan when they have to come back to KL d, and when we asked the supervisor, she said she didn't know :(
Hi J,
I dont attend any class during march after end of sem 2 during my time....thus dont know what class u mean....
but anyway, im a graduate in 2009 so any info provided by me only applicable for my time and any info required for the current, i think u better ask the college haha.....
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