Always reassure myself that there's no such thing like "there's nothing to learn here".
Strongly believe that when the attitude is correct then we can get all things done.
And therefore the willingness to learn beyond the required is important and eventually benefits the people who do so.
Yup there's definitely a lot to learn here, but somehow I questioned myself. Is that what I want in the future?Doubted. And demotivated.
Everyday whenever I tell mum that what i have learned in the office blablabla, she will definitely try to tell me that "nah! see! There's a lot to learn rite? You can learn so much in this field and therefore it's really good to become a....."
Shut my ears. I don't wanna listen that word anymore. At least at the moment.
I know she don't understand.
It's not that there's nothing to learn!
It's just like...Yea there's uncountable things u can learn on earth, but that's not you wanna learn!
I know it's just like slapping my own mouth..what d heck complaining now....You are the one who have chosen it...and yet you have the right of not chosing it....
It's not that i never request for what i want. Somehow I just try my best not to do something to make them worry. I rather find my own ways later.
And now my soul is still wandering somewhere...trying my very best to figure out where should it what my GM ask me during departmental meeting that day:"are you still exploring your options or you wanna be a ..."
Of course, I'm still exploring my options.
Perhaps you have already answer ur own quetion!! Why decide now when your options are unlimited! Explore the world!
Grab all the knowledge you can since you're already there. One can always change his or her option.
My manager starts of as an accountant but now, she's a operation manager for China & Malaysia, earning 5 figures!! Being someone successful is more than holding the certs, but its with all the experience you have, Yet in our course now, we learn a variaty of subject which i personally think very useful to us.
Example, accountant know no laws but accounts and lawyers know no accounting but laws only. So, don't you think we're more knowlegable and beneficial than other people even if we were to switch job in future??
huhhuh....u r rite...thx soooo much for ur words....feel motivated
really appreciate it;)
haha got english post de wo
what la u sx...
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