Monday, June 22, 2009

Make you happy, and I'll be happy

Was doubt whether to say it or not to say it cz it's always a dillemma in complaining the one who loves you. Just feel that everything will be very simple and straight forward if we don't make it complicated and hard to ourselves. Sometimes things are not so serious as what we thought and thus what's the reason of making it hard to ourselves and to the others where some sorta prescriptive methods or rules have to be adhered to in dealing with something? It's understandeable that human needs rules to be disciplined but I believe that expression of feeling need no rules as long as we didn't harm anyone.Is this wrong? So why not just relax and sit back and not to tense up the condition for unjustified reason?or the world will be nicer and be more meaningful to save time for unnecessary quarrels and emotional swings for better things in life.

Used to find it meaningless to quarrel if no improvements are made after all, since young. Would prefer to speak out for changes; or keep quiet if it is unlikely to change, be it seems like being bullied or look stupid, I don't mind, as long as I find my way out, get rid of those -ve thingy.

Not to say blaiming or complaining cz i understand that everyone has own weaknesses, and so do I. I don't want to harm those whom I love. But the fact is, if we are able to make improvements for life, why not? Whatever it is, if it is unable to change, at least remain and not to become worse. If I could do something to make it better, I'm willing to.

And, LOVE doesn't limited only to the one who makes up your world, it includes your family and friends as well.
The cycles go round and round.
Make people happy is to make ourselves happy. Ain't it?


Anonymous said...

Liverpool also not bad,don't see any picture of liverpool.

chian nv said...

Re Anonymous,

haha ya Liverpool is nice too...
but believe it not, we haven't have time to explore Liverpool nicely although we walk n walk in Liverpool
updates coming soon^_^