昨天做了的online test
email说今天10:00 a.m.GMT会发布另一个case study的instruction
必须在明天10:00a.m. GMT之前做完
"A case study based on Second Life"
该不会是关于类似third world...WWF...UNESCO...UNICEF之类的吧?
还是哥本哈根协议之类的?核能后的Second Life?电讯辐射?
ok...给人家一些buffer time
其实心里紧张的是深怕昨天的online assessment出了什么connection的问题
我不必做Part B的case study了 那是给仍留在国外的人做的
所以 子弹准备好
p/s:恕我孤陋寡闻 后来research了一下 莫非Second Life指的是这个?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Done an online test just now for 2 hours.
Part of the recruitment and selection processes of a plc.
It consists of 3 Comprehensions
numerical test
logical test
and 2 essays.
and I could say it was quite hard
for a person with average english level like me.
The comprehension sounds like this:
"...Yet, it would be a mistake to leap to the conclusion that because human immaturity makes possible high flexibility, therefore anything is possible for the species. Human traits were selected for their survival value over a four-to-five-million-year period with a great acceleration of the selection process during the last half of that period. There were crucial, irreversible changes during that final man-making period : recession of formidable dentition, 50-percent increase in brain-volume, the obstetrical paradox- bipedalism and strong pelvic girdle, larger brain through smaller birth canal- immature brain at birth, and creation of what Washburn has called a “technical-social way of life” involving tool and symbol use. Note, however, that hominidization consisted principally of adaptations to conditions in the Pleistocene. These preadaptations, shaped in response to earlier habitat demands, are part of man’s evolutionary inheritance. This is not to say that close beneath the skin of man is a naked ape, that civilization is only a veneer....."
"......Neuroleptic drugs interfere with the action of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter in the brain, by binding to the dopamine receptors of nerve cells, and dopamine is a prime suspect in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Large doses of drugs such as amphetamines, which stimulate secretion of dopamine, produce a psychosis resembling schizophrenia. Reducing the activity of this neurotransmitter alleviates the delusions that cause psychotic behavior. Although the inhibition of dopamine activity can control psychotic behavior, researchers now believe that the central nervous system of some patients adapts to long-term therapy by increasing the number of specific dopamine binding sites. The net result is dopamine hypersensitivity, which is correlated with the subsequent appearance of tardive dyskinesia........The fact that psychoses can be controlled at the same time that tardive dyskinesia symptoms are reduced suggests that a drug more specifically affecting the mechanism of psychoses might not cause movement disorders. Sulpiride, a drug not available in the United States but widely used in Europe, where it was developed, may be one such alternative. The drug selectively blocks D-2 dopamine receptors, perhaps especially those in the limbic area of the brain, which is involved in emotion and behavior. It does not adversely affect the adenylate cyclase-linked D-1 dopamine receptors......."
Gosh....to carefully read those within a very limited timeframe.......and the numerical test killed me...Prime number...Degrees of lines and triangles......radius.....spheres....Matrix...Algebra.............@_@
And one of the essay asked which historical person would i like to dine with and the reason of it......wahaha...my first thought....without thinking too much as only 10 minutes are given for each essay....Chopin desu i wrote....
I would prefer doing subjective test now rather than multiple choices....directly expressing what your thought is is much more easier than making decision from a limited pool of choices...ain't it?
Tomorrow will be another test...hope that i will finally make it to the final phase~
Tiger year~Roarghhh!
Part of the recruitment and selection processes of a plc.
It consists of 3 Comprehensions
numerical test
logical test
and 2 essays.
and I could say it was quite hard
for a person with average english level like me.
The comprehension sounds like this:
"...Yet, it would be a mistake to leap to the conclusion that because human immaturity makes possible high flexibility, therefore anything is possible for the species. Human traits were selected for their survival value over a four-to-five-million-year period with a great acceleration of the selection process during the last half of that period. There were crucial, irreversible changes during that final man-making period : recession of formidable dentition, 50-percent increase in brain-volume, the obstetrical paradox- bipedalism and strong pelvic girdle, larger brain through smaller birth canal- immature brain at birth, and creation of what Washburn has called a “technical-social way of life” involving tool and symbol use. Note, however, that hominidization consisted principally of adaptations to conditions in the Pleistocene. These preadaptations, shaped in response to earlier habitat demands, are part of man’s evolutionary inheritance. This is not to say that close beneath the skin of man is a naked ape, that civilization is only a veneer....."
"......Neuroleptic drugs interfere with the action of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter in the brain, by binding to the dopamine receptors of nerve cells, and dopamine is a prime suspect in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Large doses of drugs such as amphetamines, which stimulate secretion of dopamine, produce a psychosis resembling schizophrenia. Reducing the activity of this neurotransmitter alleviates the delusions that cause psychotic behavior. Although the inhibition of dopamine activity can control psychotic behavior, researchers now believe that the central nervous system of some patients adapts to long-term therapy by increasing the number of specific dopamine binding sites. The net result is dopamine hypersensitivity, which is correlated with the subsequent appearance of tardive dyskinesia........The fact that psychoses can be controlled at the same time that tardive dyskinesia symptoms are reduced suggests that a drug more specifically affecting the mechanism of psychoses might not cause movement disorders. Sulpiride, a drug not available in the United States but widely used in Europe, where it was developed, may be one such alternative. The drug selectively blocks D-2 dopamine receptors, perhaps especially those in the limbic area of the brain, which is involved in emotion and behavior. It does not adversely affect the adenylate cyclase-linked D-1 dopamine receptors......."
Gosh....to carefully read those within a very limited timeframe.......and the numerical test killed me...Prime number...Degrees of lines and triangles......radius.....spheres....Matrix...Algebra.............@_@
And one of the essay asked which historical person would i like to dine with and the reason of it......wahaha...my first thought....without thinking too much as only 10 minutes are given for each essay....Chopin desu i wrote....
I would prefer doing subjective test now rather than multiple choices....directly expressing what your thought is is much more easier than making decision from a limited pool of choices...ain't it?
Tomorrow will be another test...hope that i will finally make it to the final phase~
Tiger year~Roarghhh!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Europe Trip - Day 08~Florence + Pisa, Italy. 佛罗伦萨+比萨,意大利 (11/9/09)
在车上听了很多文艺复兴 教王 教堂 byzantine建筑风...
这个不够专业 比起罗马的
女仆 hohoh
St. Marry 花教堂
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Europe Trip - Day 07~Vatican City + Rome, Italy. 梵蒂冈 + 罗马,意大利 (10/9/09)
梵蒂冈 世界上面积最小的国家
St. Peter's Basilica 圣彼得大教堂 令人叹为观止
因为是神圣的地方 所以要注意Dress Code
女生不能坦胸露背 裤子裙子也要超过膝盖
女生不能坦胸露背 裤子裙子也要超过膝盖
而赚钱 什么时候 都不是一件容易的事儿...
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Europe Trip - Day 06~Venice, Italy. 威尼斯,意大利 (9/9/09)
经过了水乡荷兰 树林德国 松树林奥地利
这么说起来 有点像那些末日旅行哦
这么说起来 有点像那些末日旅行哦
也许会被警察抓 说影响市容也不定XD
到St. Mark Square 圣马可广场去
近看超恶心的 : P
据导游说 意大利很多地方多少都有被黑社会控制着
那里的导游也太多了 所以得给额外费用聘请当地导游
称为"Mute Guide"
不用说些什么 随便接待一下三十分钟
50欧就袋袋平安 (还是compulsory要给的)
那个威猛的男士 就是“护送”我们过海的人咯
不过倒是开了眼界一下 当地的culture
来威尼斯没坐 好像没到过威尼斯咧
大家都很兴奋 我也很兴奋呐
我其实在看 他是怎么划的
当时全程就是 狂拍! 狂拍!
我坐的位子 是导游建议喜欢拍照的人坐的位子
但要是你喜欢被拍 那么那个位子就显得比较没那么热闹咯
归途中 太阳还是那么晒
090909 有幸踏足威尼斯
有机会的话 想看看夜晚的水城
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